Johnny's Musky Guide Service Logo

& Lake Michigan Charter

Northern Pike

King & Coho Salmon
Lake, Brown &
Rainbow Trout

Brown Trout

Salmo trutta

A Brown Trout.

Common Names

Brown Trout, German Brown Trout, German Trout, European Brown Trout, Brownie, Brown

Lake Michigan Sport Catch in Wisconsin

40,000-60,000 per year

Preferred Temperature Range

65-75 °F


16-30 inches


2-16 pounds

State Record

8/23/78 : 32 pounds, 8 oz.  Lake Michigan


Brown trout caught in Lake Michigan have an overall slivery color with “X” shaped marking on the back and upper half of their body, a squared tail, small and numerous spots on their head, the inside of their mouth white, and 12 or less rays in their anal fin. Spawning brown trout in September and October will have an overall tan to reddish brown color with distinctive black and red spots.